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Put Soundcloud audio of me talking about the loving deck
- new writing & art creation using mixed media, portrait & urban photography, audio spoken word poetry, sound-scaping, song, creative mentoring & coaching
- live social media convenings discussing themes of self-care, mental health & nature, anger & the body, & socio-cultural eco-systems, community support, ecological awareness & accountability.
- downloadable packages of ‘view again recordings & podcasts’ on the themes that arise
Aims:-explore narratives of isolation, social impacts of the 2020 lockdown, tarot & the collective conscious- dialoging around magic & personal power defined by social permaculture principlesYour continued support enables me to update this virtual journeying deck to keep it relevant with new poetry, new insights to powerful emotions such as anger, trust, confidence in possibility and positive and pragmatic thinking AND feeling.'The Loving Deck' (TLD): a project inspired by research of the craft of Tarot & personal empowerment focused on elemental, environmental & earth based magic realism around our future on Earth
We'd love to hear from you
TLD Mighty Community